The Naked, Truth of Free Expression

poster“Freedom is never given, it is won”

It is difficult to imagine a guaranteed right more important to a democratic society than freedom of expression. Indeed a democracy cannot exist without that freedom to express new ideas and to put forward opinions about the functioning of public institutions. The concept of free and uninhibited speech permeates all truly democratic societies and institutions. The vital importance of the concept cannot be over-emphasized.

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

The Newspaper

The right to freedom of expression is particularly important for journalists and other people working in the media. They must be free to criticize the state without fear of prosecution – this is an important feature of a democratic society.

Freedom of expression is a universal human right. It is not the prerogative of the politician. It is not the privilege of the journalist. It should not be the casualty of their skirmishes nor regarded as a matter of little importance to anyone else. Freedom of expression is fundamental to a democratic society.

The woman

Women want to be liberal exercising freedom of expression is an integral part of all movements of resistance against oppressive practices. By speaking out, whether, in political or cultural contexts, women have paved the way to improvements in their status in many societies.

Exercising freedom of expression is an integral part of all movements of resistance against oppressive practices. By speaking out, whether, in political or cultural contexts, women have paved the way to improvements in their status in many societies.

Suppressing women’s sexual expression

Freedom of expression ranges from the articulation of words and images to actions and lifestyle choices, including choices around one’s sexuality. Despite significant progress in other areas, women’s sexuality continues to be an area where freedom of expression is tightly controlled by the state, family, religious bodies and other institutions throughout society. To express one’s sexuality – especially if it does not conform to heterosexual norms – often carries a heavy risk of discrimination, violence, stigmatization or coercion at the hands of private or state actors. Likewise, many of the world’s women are subject to highly restrictive laws in relation to reproductive health. Under such circumstances, the act of advocating for reproductive and sexual rights or expressing support for greater access to contraception or abortion for example often exposes women to social condemnation and the threat or reality of violence.

In conclusion, the poster pottery’s the woman who can freely express her sexuality and be published in the paper one day.

 2013 Indiafrica winner.

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